Female Reproductive Cells

Here you can find mammary microvascular endothelial cells, epithelial cells and fibroblasts. You can also find medium to grow the cells as well as RNA, DNA and protein derived from these cells.

Vascular endothelial cells line the blood vessels and contribute to many biological processes such as hematosis, coagulation, trafficking of lymphocytes, and the inflammatory response. The endothelial cell is of primary importance in the extravasation of leukocytes from the circulation into sites of tissue inflammation. In the case of mastitis, the magnitude and duration of inflammation can be related to such parameters as endothelial adhesion molecules expression, cytokine secretion, as well as changes in vascular permeability.

The mammary gland consists of pseudostratified epithelia, with myoepithelila cells resting upon a basement membrane and apical glandular epithelial cells facing the lumen of the ducts and alveoli. Mammary epithelial cells undergo changes in growth, invasion, and differentiation throughout much of adulthood, and most strikingly during pregnancy, lactation, and involution.

Fibroblasts are the most common types of mammary stromal cells. Mammary stromal cells differentiate into fibroblasts, adipocytes or vascular structures in a hormone- and substatum-dependent manner, and may explain the dramatic changes in stromal composition during both normal mammary gland development and tumorigenesis. The interaction between stromal cells and tumor cells is known to play a major role in cancer growth and progression.