Human Colonic Smooth Muscle Cell genomic DNA, single donor
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Human Colonic Smooth Muscle Cell genomic DNA, single donor

Human Genomic DNA, 5 µg

Genomic DNAs are isolated from early passage of over 100 different human primary cell types by Qiagen Allprep kit. The quality and purity of genomic DNA are tested by spectrophotometer and electrophoresis. A260/280 is between 1.8 and 2.0. Our genomic DNAs are provided ready to use for SNP analysis, DNA methylation analysis, Southern Blotting, and PCR. Getting genomic DNAs will save you valuable research time to immediately identify genes of interest; no longer will you need to acquire tissues or cells and isolate genomic DNA by yourself. (SC2949)
Article number:SC2949
Stock status:Special Order Item
1.200,00 /
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